正规澳门赌场网络 灵活支出账户

Sometimes called “flexible reimbursement accounts,” flexible spending accounts (FSA) allow you to set aside money to pay for certain kinds of medical, 牙科, and dependent-care expenses before taxes are assessed on that income. 的 Group Dynamic: Medical and Dependent Care 灵活支出账户 video offers a brief overview of how these plans work and why you might be interested in utilizing one. Creating an online account is a great way to help manage your account. To create your new account visit www.gdynamic.com. When logging in, click on new user and get started.

Contributions are made throughout the calendar year, and eligible expenses must be incurred within that calendar year or within the grace period — if you don’t use all eligible funds from your account, the remaining amount is forfeited. Typically, you pay your bill first and submit your receipts to Group Dynamic for reimbursement.

Special note regarding COVID19: 的 《正规澳门赌场网络》(PDF), 于3月27日生效, 2020, now permits FSA and HSA reimbursement of over-the-counter products without the need of a prescription, 还有月经用品. More information is available in the the FSA Summary of Modifications (PDF).


  • Full- or half-time faculty or professional staff.
  • Covers expenses for self, spouse, and dependent children.
  • Your contributions will stop the last day you physically worked in a benefits-eligible position. 员工 whose benefits-eligible position ends during the plan year have until May 30 of the following year to submit expenses incurred through their last day physically worked in the benefits-eligible position for both dependent care expenses and medical expenses.
  • 请参阅 计划概要说明(PDF), FSA Summary of Modifications (PDF),和 Wrap 计划概要说明(PDF) for more eligibility and plan details and consult with 人力资源 for specific situations.


作为合资格雇员, you can elect between a minimum of $250 and a maximum of $3,050 (2024) in a calendar year on a pre-tax basis for certain health care needs for yourself, 你的配偶, or your dependent children (up to the age of 26). Please note that you may not opt for a 医疗服务管理局 account if you are participating in an HSA medical plan.


Eligible employees can elect between a minimum of $250 and a maximum of $5,000 in a calendar year on a pre-tax basis for certain care needs of dependent children through the age of 12. 了解更多信息 review the 受扶养人护理服务 Overview (PDF).

Consult with your tax advisor regarding your limit.

  • $5,000 per plan year (single or married, filing jointly)
  • $2,500 per plan year (married, filing separately)


的 University of New England has added a time extension at the end of the plan year during which you may incur eligible expenses and be reimbursed from your FSA. 我们有一个2.5 month grace period after our plan year of January 1 through December 31.

This means that you have until March 15 to incur medical or dependent expenses and until May 30 to submit any claims incurred during the previous plan year or during the grace period.