
Stated simply, “credit” is the lending of money over time, usually paid back in monthly installments. 信用为什么重要?? 信誉良好, your cost to borrow money will be lower, your access to capital greater 和 your financial stability in the face of emergencies stronger. This adds up to greater financial independence as you go through life.

借钱, you usually must pay interest (a fee to borrow the money) which accumulates over time. 的确,获得信用(i.e. loans) helps in building credit because credit-worthiness is the measure of a person's consistency in repaying lenders. 

Credit is just one more major building block to achieving financial health. Too many students make decisions during their college years that will haunt them as they move into the adult world. By making smart decisions while in college, you can get yourself off on the right foot as you start your post-college life. “Starting From Scratch: A Simple Way to Establish Credit” (CNBC) offers smart tips 和 a video on ways to establish credit before you really have any.


A credit report is a summary of your credit history 和 shows how you have managed your financial accounts. It helps lenders determine how responsible you might be as a borrower. You will be assigned a credit score by reporting agencies that monitor your financial activity. Strive for a high credit score the same way you would a high GPA.

A credit report takes into consideration the following kinds of details:

  • Personal data (addresses, SSN, employment history)
  • Credit history (accounts 和 where you st和 with payments)
  • 询问你的信用记录
  • 信息rmation on liens, wage garnishes, state or county records

​Factors Weighing on Your Credit (和 their estimated "weight")

  • New Credit: How much of your available credit is new?
  • Types of Credit Used: What is your mix of credit cards, retail credit, student loans, mortgages, etc.?
  • Length of Credit 历史: How long have you been using credit?
  • Amounts Owed: How much do you owe 和 how much of your available credit have you used?
  • Payment 历史: Have you paid your past credit accounts on time?

如你所见, as a college student or new graduate, there are not many things in this list you can control. 然而, 通过学生贷款, making payments on time 和 avoiding retail credit cards, you can begin to build a healthy score. 

Equifax, 益百利 和 TransUnion are three national credit bureaus that have the power to pull your credit report. 访问 AnnualCreditReport.com each year to retrieve your free copy. Your credit report will include information on how to dispute any findings you feel are inaccurate. It is important to review your credit report to look for inconsistencies, inaccurate information 和 instances of possible identity theft. The sooner you can respond to issues you find, the better equipped you'll be to protect your credit.

Protecting 和 Managing Your Credit

Building a strong credit score takes time, attention 和 diligence. The best advice for establishing healthy credit is:

  • 制定预算并严格执行.
  • 按时付款.
  • Keep your balances low 和 pay balances in full, whenever possible.
  • Manage multiple cards carefully 和 wisely.
  • 保持贷款债务尽可能低.
  • Monitor your credit score 和 correct mistakes as soon as you find them.

Your credit score determines the level of risk a lender feels you pose. Here's a breakdown of scores 和 what they mean for you: