Support for Work Performed by the 研究 Cores

Assistance is available for help to cover the fees for work performed by the research cores. This assistance can be requested through a special grant application process, 或者通过参加 BrainBucks 程序. 


Requests for funds to be used for core services will be reviewed on a rolling basis with a turnaround time of less than two weeks. Applications can be submitted by faculty, students, and staff. Applications submitted by students or staff require approval of the PI. 

  1. Fill out a work request form for either the 行为的核心 or 组织学和影像学核心
  2. 完成应用程序叙述. 的 narrative, completed on the application below, should include the following:
    • Background/Significance (a one paragraph overview of the project)
    • 研究 Core support (describe the work requested of the research core)
    • Support for the project (indicate the source of funding for this research project and why additional support is needed)
    • Funds requested (state the amount requested)

IACUC approval for studies involving the 行为的核心 is necessary prior to approval. 


With the help of our many dedicated volunteers, the 神经科学卓越中心 (CEN) coordinates numerous outreach events. 每年, volunteers bring interactive lessons about the brain into local public schools, assist with helmet fittings to promote brain safety, help high school students prepare for the Brain Bee competition, 并协助一年一度的大脑博览会. As a show of appreciation for all of your hard work, the CEN is pleased to offer BrainBucks.


BrainBucks可以由学生赚取, 专业人员, and faculty for the time they dedicate to neuroscience community outreach. BrainBucks can be used to help support lab functions, 研究项目, 或者只是为了赢得奖品而积累. Most importantly, BrainBucks are a way for us to say thank you.

  • 谢谢你在学校做志愿者, teaching children about the importance of brain safety, 以及脑损伤的后果.
  • Thank you for volunteering at the Annual 大脑公平, welcoming the community to campus so they can experience the exciting world of neuroscience.
  • Thank you for volunteering in the community, helping to educate the public about the science of addiction. 
  • Thank you for working with the Goulet Foundation, delivering helmets to thousands of Maine children.
  • 谢谢你的传播, extending the impact of your work by letting the public know more about its day-to-day implications. 

BrainBucks can be earned by volunteering for CEN-sponsored events. This includes the neuroscience K-12 outreach 程序, 年度大脑博览会, 头盔赠品, 和其他CEN功能. 除了, BrainBucks can be awarded for communicating with the general public about the importance of research in their daily lives. This can include stories about recent publications, 科学会议演讲, 或者学生简介. Spread the word of your great work and receive BrainBucks in return.

To receive your BrainBucks, log your volunteer hours with 迈克D 'Apice, the CEN neuroscience outreach coordinator.


BrainBucks can be used for general research support. This includes paying for laboratory supplies, charges for using the research cores and confocal microscope, 或者期刊出版成本. Or do you simply want food for your lab meeting? Cash in some BrainBucks to help nourish your students. 学生 can accumulate BrainBucks over the course of the year to earn prizes.

For questions about the BrainBucks reward 程序 电子邮件


正规澳门赌场网络小额资助计划 provides intramural funding that helps support faculty research and scholarship at the University of New England.


We're always looking to broaden the impact of our research and share resources.

的 神经科学卓越中心 and participating faculty, 专业人员, and students are actively collaborating with a number of partners including many academic, 非营利组织, and for-profit institutions within the State of Maine that share an interest in biomedical research and improving human health.

Some of these sponsorships have significantly helped out k - 12外展 Program, specifically by providing funds for our 年度大脑博览会, K-12外展学校访问, 和K-12外展协调员的薪水.

We welcome new opportunities for expanding our multidisciplinary approaches to studying the neurosciences. If you are interested in donating to the 神经科学卓越中心, please 给中心发邮件至

For more information on giving to UNE visit our 机构发展网站.