Headshots of U N E past and present 药学院 Deans

从左至右:约翰. Cormier, Founding Dean (2007–2009); Douglas H. Kay, Dean (2009–2010); Gayle A. Brazeau, Dean (2010–2017); Karen L. Houseknecht, Interim Dean (2017–2018); Robert L. McCarthy, Dean (2018–2022); Emily K. 多恩布拉泽,临时院长(2022-2023).

The early history of the College of Pharmacy at the University of New England can be traced back to 1998, when a series of events intersected to begin a stepwise progression toward filling an educational void that had existed for decades in Maine.

1998年8月,道格拉斯. Kay, Ph.D., a Mainer by birth, retired as Dean of the 药学院 at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh. At that time, there was a shortage of pharmacists across the nation and in Maine, 它没有自己的药学院. Representatives from Hannaford and Rite Aid met informally with UNE officials to discuss the shortage of pharmacists in Maine and the possibility of establishing a college of pharmacy at UNE. 1998年11月. Kay是受正规澳门赌场网络校长Sandra Featherman博士的邀请.D.作为顾问来探索这种可能性. A university feasibility study committee was created to work with Dr. Kay, and in January 1999 it submitted to UNE officials a formal recommendation for a college of pharmacy. The recommendation was made with the understanding that significant funds would be needed to establish a college, and the project was subsequently set aside for several years.

随着新总统的就职,丹妮尔. Ripich, Ph.D., in July 2006, UNE embarked on a path of unprecedented growth. 那年夏天,里希校长联系了奥巴马博士. John F. Cormier, former dean of pharmacy at the Medical University of South Carolina, to request that he re-evaluate the 1999 pharmacy feasibility study. Dr. 科米尔找来了博士. Kay to serve on his team to determine the likely success of a pharmacy program, 包括拟建地点, 教员和人员需求, 科研重点, 部门结构, class size, 经营预算. The plan was presented in 2007 to the UNE Board of Trustees, 批准了正规澳门赌场网络第四学院的成立, 在获得启动该计划所需的资金之前. A significant fundraising campaign was initiated and President Ripich invited Dr. Cormier to become the founding dean of the UNE College of Pharmacy.

在妻子路易丝(Louise)的支持和鼓励下. Cormier returned to Portland to begin the multifaceted process of securing initial accreditation, 设计和建造一座建筑物, 选择学院, 并接受学生进入就职班. An associated task was the opportunity to work with the faculty in the 文理学院 to establish a pre-pharmacy program on the Biddeford Campus. As had become his practice, Founding Dean Cormier invited Dr. Kay to serve as executive associate dean and, once again, this team went to work.

The outpouring of support from pharmacy practitioners across the state of Maine was as energizing as it was overwhelming. Likewise, offers of support and collaboration poured in from a number of state colleges and universities and freestanding research facilities throughout the state. A lead gift of $1 million from the Hannaford Charitable Foundation and a $4 million grant from the Maine Technology Institute, 除了许多其他的慷慨捐赠, provided the substantial financial foundation for the UNE College of Pharmacy.

到2009年夏天, with all of the components securely in place and after three years of commuting between Charleston and Portland, 现在是时候了. 科米尔回到他在南卡罗来纳的家. 经过多次讨论和周密的计划. 科米尔于2009年8月辞去院长一职. 他的同事. Kay, was appointed dean of the College while a national search for a permanent dean was launched. The inaugural class of students was welcomed to the College in September 2009 and on October 1, 2009 the formal dedication of the UNE College of Pharmacy was held outside the front entrance of the LEED-certified building on UNE's Portland Campus.

During Dr. 凯的政府, the faculty continued to grow and the College attained the next level of accreditation, 候选人的地位, by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE). 全国搜索的结果是,盖尔·A. Brazeau, Ph.D., was selected as the next Dean of the College to begin her tenure in October 2010. Likewise, 在迪恩·布拉索的领导下, continued growth of faculty and staff was critical to support coursework and student life in years 2 through 4 of the curriculum.

In addition, the College also became the first program in Northern New England to receive accreditation by the ACPE as a provider of continuing pharmacy education. It was also during this period that the ACPE annually reviewed the College's progress and continued its accreditation status. 就职班毕业后不久, the ACPE reviewed the first four years of the program and awarded the College with Full Accreditation in the spring of 2013.

许多个人和公司, 数量太多,无法一一列举, are responsible for the successful growth and development of UNE's College of Pharmacy. The three deans want to express their heartfelt gratitude to any and all who have made this program possible. We especially want to recognize the graduates of our inaugural class, who worked diligently over four years and are now a proud part of the lasting legacy of the UNE College of Pharmacy. You and this College have a bright future and no doubt will continue to bring national and international recognition to the College in the years to come.