
If you plan to go into a health-related field and want to develop a better understanding of the impact of health, 疾病, 以及个人医疗保健, 家庭, 和社会, this interdisciplinary minor is just what you need on your resume. Whether you plan to be a care provider or a professional in the field of health policy, 公共卫生, 卫生行政, 或者社会医学研究, 这门辅修课程会让你更有同理心, 文化意识的, 和以病人为中心. By exploring complex social issues you will develop cultural humility, 学会解决健康差距问题, and become an informed and engaged global citizen — all while developing the critical thinking and communication skills that a wide range of employers and graduate programs are seeking.



正规澳门赌场网络辅修卫生, 医学, and Society allows you to broaden your understanding of health to investigate the social and cultural aspects of health and healing. It prepares you for the social science sections on the MCAT and teaches you to integrate societal perspectives into how you understand health care. 在我们敬业的教师的指导下, 一群关系密切的学生的支持, 我们的课程强调实践学习, you’ll graduate with a leg up in whatever next step in your academic or professional journey you take within the health care realm.

The minor will significantly impact my ability to practice as a future physician assistant. The depth of knowledge … will allow me to better treat patients of all cultural backgrounds … and … to ask more pressing questions in order to ensure the highest quality care for my patients.” — Nicole Cacciola ’22, Medical Biology major/Psychology and 健康, 医学, and Society double minor 



正规澳门赌场网络,我们相信在实践中学习. 健康, 医学, 及社会辅修 offers opportunities to perform hands-on work, helping prepare you with real-world experience that sets you up for professional success in whatever career path you pursue.


我们热情的教授讲课生动活泼, 迷人的类, 积极的学习活动包括:

  • Reviewing medical cases to develop strategies to improve patient compliance
  • Collecting 疾病 narratives to explore the relationship between patients’ bodily experiences of disease and their social experiences of 疾病
  • Analyzing internet-based health resources to explore how they influence health-seeking behaviors


Conducting original research is a hands-on way to gain important skills and is impressive to graduate programs and future employers alike. 健康, 医学, 及社会辅修 can inform research on a wide range of health-related topics that overlap with a multitude of UNE majors. 研究课题可能包括:

  • The Intersections Between Training and Identification of Human Trafficking in 健康 Care Settings
  • 美国孕产妇死亡率的种族差异.S.
  • 姑息治疗在以病人为中心的护理中的作用
  • The Social Construction of Mask Wearing in the COVID-19 Era


Combine your knowledge and skill in your major and minor while gaining real-world skills by interning in a professional setting. 实习 provide on-the job experience that enhance your resume and increase your career prospects. 可能的实习地点包括:

  • 南缅因州美国红十字会
  • 肯纳邦克波特公共卫生部
  • 新英格兰北部计划生育协会
  • 无家可归者的医疗保健
  • 海岸健康社区联盟
  • 南缅因临终关怀医院
  • 南缅因州性侵犯应对服务中心


作为健康, 医学, 及社会辅修, 你总共要修完六门课程, including five electives that cover a broad range of topics. 以下只是一些可用的选择:

  • 医学人类学
  • 瘟疫与人口
  • 医学社会学
  • “食品与健康社会学”
  • 生物医学伦理学
  • 全球健康


完成健康辅修课程, 医学, and Society students must complete six (6) three (3) credit courses in anthropology, 社会学, and related social science or medically related disciplines. Also, four (4) of the total courses must be completed in anthropology or 社会学. The electives may come from a variety of fields depending on the specific course. 学生 may count courses taken in the Core 课程 as part of the minor. 学生 在社会学 or Applied Social and Cultural Studies may not count courses toward the major and the HMS minor. 有一(1)门课必须在300点上 or 400年水平.

ANT 101 -人类学导论3
ant102 -文化人类学3
SOC 150 -社会学入门3
Select five (5) electives of the following with at least one (1) at the 300-level or 以上*学分
ANT 118 -应用人类学3
ANT 211 -医学人类学3
ANT 241 -瘟疫和人口3
ANT 425 -性,性别,性3
OS 432 – Disability Studies and Inclusive Communities (Formerly HWOS 432)3
PHI 201 -生物医学伦理学3
PSY 250 -人类寿命的发展3
鸟叔325 -老化心理学3
鸟叔370 -毒品,社会和行为3
PUB 200 -公共卫生基础3
SOC 224 -家庭,健康和社会变革3
SOC 228 -老龄化社会学3
SOC 275 -食品和健康社会学3
SOC 355 -医学社会学3

*Other courses can be substituted with the permission of the academic director.

有关更多信息,请参阅 学术目录.



包括人类学, 社会学, 心理, and political science investigations of health and 疾病, 健康, 医学, 及社会辅修 prepares you for a myriad of careers that directly or indirectly relate to health or medicine. You will be well-practiced for the social science sections on the MCAT and well-situated to apply to medical school or other health-focused graduate programs.

The minor will enhance your graduate school and/or employment prospects if you plan to go into any of the following fields:

  • 医学
  • 护理
  • 职业治疗
  • 物理治疗
  • 药店
  • 牙科
  • 口腔卫生
  • 营养
  • 社会工作
  • 医疗保健管理局
  • 公共卫生
  • 国际援助
Pair a 健康, 医学, and Society Minor With a UNE Major in成为
  • Medical Biology (Medical 科学s or Pre-Physician Assistant)
  • 化学
  • 护理
  • 口腔卫生
  • 社会工作
  • Pre-药店
  • 职业研究
  • A stronger, more empathetic, socially aware, and patient-oriented health care provider
  • 业务
  • 传播与媒体艺术
  • 公共卫生
  • 更具跨文化能力, 消息灵通的, 全面发展的, and compassionate professional in the fields of health policy, 医疗保健管理, 公共卫生, 非营利部门



平均年 医学社会学家的薪水


平均年 医学人类学家的薪水




联系本科招生处,电话:(800)477-4863或 电子邮件 You can also stop by our office on the Biddeford Campus Monday–Friday from 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.