


Under the terms of the Buckley/Pell amendment to the Family 教育al Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 学生有权查阅和检查所有官方记录, 文件, 和数据, 包括所有合并到每个学生的累积记录文件夹的材料. 然而, 卫生署, 教育, 福利和福利部表示,澄清性修正案规定,在1月1日之前提交的推荐信必须以保密承诺为基础, 1975不需要给学生看, 学生可能被允许但不被要求放弃查阅在该日期之后收到的推荐信的权利. 的 amendments also provide that a financial statement submitted by a parent need not be shown to the student. Release of records is allowed only upon written student approval, with noted exceptions listed below.



学生行为记录 and related 文件 are maintained by the Dean of 学生 in the Student Affairs offices on each campus. Student conduct records/文件 are maintained under the Family 教育al Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

所有学生行为和相关档案在离开学校后不少于四年的时间内由学生教务处保存. 记录可能在那个时候被销毁. Disciplinary records may be retained for longer periods of time or permanently if specified in the terms of disciplinary sanctions.   


FERPA(见上文)为学生提供了有关其教育记录的某些权利. 它们是:

  1. 的 right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the University receives a request for access. 的 student should submit a written request that identifies the records which they wish to inspect to 注册商's office. 的 office will notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.
  2. 的 right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes are inaccurate or misleading. 学生应该写信给大学注册主任, 清楚地指出他们想要修改的记录部分, 并解释它是如何不准确或误导的. 如果决定不按学生的要求修改记录, 大学将通知学生有关决定,并告知学生有权就修改请求举行听证会. 有关听证程序的其他信息将随本通知一起提供.    
  3. 的 right to consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, 除非FERPA在未经同意的情况下授权披露. One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. 学校官员是由大学雇用的行政管理人员, 监督, 学术或研究, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the University has contracted (such as attorney, 审计师, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her task; or the Veterans Administration for students registered for various GI Bill programs. 如果学校官员为了履行其职业责任而需要审查教育记录,则学校官员具有合法的教育利益.    
  4. 向美国政府提出申诉的权利.S. Department of 教育 concerning alleged failure(s) by 的 University of New England to comply with the requirements of FERPA. 管理FERPA的办公室的名称和地址是:家庭政策合规办公室,教育部,独立大道600号, SWWashington, DC 20202-4605
  5. FERPA权利在死亡时终止. 然而, 这是正规澳门赌场网络的政策, that no records of deceased students be released to third parties after the date of death, unless specifically authorized by the executor of the deceased's estate or by the next of kin.



的 University normally will not supply non-related organizations with personally identifiable student information, 包括目录信息.“这一政策的两个例外是:


第507节 美国爱国者法案 补偿 FERPA 允许教育机构和机构在未经学生或家长同意或知情的情况下,向美国司法部长或其指定人员披露学生教育记录中的个人身份信息 片面的 与调查或检控恐怖主义罪行有关的命令.  此外,学校不需要记录此类披露.


的 Solomon Amendment explicitly states that military recruiters must be given equal access to that provided other recruiters.  UNE is therefore obligated to release data included in the list of "student recruiting information,"应要求. 


  • 学生全名
  • Address
  • 电话号码
  • UNE Email地址
  • 出生日期和地点
  • 分类和级别
  • 出席日期
  • 注册状态
  • 大多数以前的教育机构
  • 参加体育活动
  • 运动员的身高/体重
  • 主要
  • 学位获得
  • Picture

Active students who wish to have directory information withheld from release must do so in writing on a “per-academic-year” basis. Request forms are available in the 注册商's office and the Student Affairs offices at either campus. 申请必须在9月30日(如果首次入学的学年是秋季学期)或1月30日(如果首次入学的学年是春季学期)之前提交,以影响“保留”状态.

Please remember: active students must renew a request for non-disclosure each year to keep such requests in effect. 的 University may disclose directory information about former students without meeting notification requirements; however, 在作为学生的最后机会(就在离开大学之前), 书面要求保密将保持有效,直到书面要求改变保密状态的学生.


在入学的最后一年, students who anticipate completion of all degree requirements must submit an online petition to graduate. 的 毕业申请书 表格可透过大学网上的“申请研究生”连结取得. 的 completed form sets into motion all final processing towards  verification of the degree completion, 文凭上姓名的正确拼写, 正确的邮寄地址, 并表示计划参加5月的毕业典礼.

如邮寄地址在递交表格后需要更改, 学生有责任将新地址通知教务处. 注册办公室的目标是在学生完成学业的四周内核实/发布学位完成并邮寄文凭.

毕业典礼在每个春季学期结束时举行(通常是5月),成功完成学术政策规定的所有学位要求的学生被认为是“班”...[那一年].“学生的名字必须经过批准, 在老师的推荐下, by the Board of Trustees prior to being authorized a degree and diploma from the University of New England.

在某些情况下, 在学位授予日期之前完成所有学位要求的学生可以提前毕业.   Requests for degree completion letters should be made to the Office of the University 注册商.

正规澳门赌场网络每学年颁发三次学位.  只有一个毕业典礼 . 如预计毕业日期为:   
Fall Semester                             Submit the petition to graduate by September 30th

Further information regarding graduation procedures can be obtained from  the Office of the University 注册商.





休假:一段特定时间的休假, 不超过一(1)学年, 经教务长授权,是否可授予入学学生, 项目/学校主任或指定,并在完成所需的 请病假 表格可从相应的项目/学校主任处获得, 学生事务处或注册办公室或网上. A student on an approved leave has the status "active/not enrolled"; courses may not be taken outside of UNE during an approved leave of absence. Application for readmission is not necessary if the student returns as planned; however, 未按规定时间归校者,给予退学处分,并办理重新入学手续.  的 student on leave should notify the 注册商's office well in advance of  return so that access to course selection is enabled. Policy on leave of absence tuition credit is found in respective Financial 信息rmation sections of this catalog.




所有希望退出大学的入学学生必须完成各自项目/学校主任提供的通知文件, 学生事务处或注册办公室或网上. 文件必须由指定的学术和行政当局签署. Student responsibilities include: (a) knowledge of the University's 政策 regarding refund of tuition and/or fees as stated in your respective catalog; (b) return of University identification (ID) card to the Office of Student Affairs; (c) return of any University keys in your possession to the appropriate departments. 的 University reserves the right to withhold the issuance of refunds and transcripts until the process has been completed. 后退出, any student wishing to re-enroll at the University of New England must apply through the Office of 招生.


由于注册服务的生产需求(两个校区), 学生记录服务的请求不能按需处理. 建议学生计划在3到5个工作日内完成请求.

在每个秋季和春季学期结束时, 注册办公室必须处理大量的成绩, 完成, 所有期末成绩后的验证由导师提交. This end-of-term processing is not finished for a minimum of two weeks after the last final exam.

对于春季学期末毕业的学生:学位认证, 发布, 文凭印刷/邮寄必须在期末成绩处理后完成. 文凭通常在最后一次期末考试后至少四周内不会邮寄. 建议学生提前做好等待的准备, 在与雇主合作时应该提前计划, 研究生院, 机构, 或执照局订购成绩单, 成绩报告, 或者学位认证.


成绩单只有在学生书面和签名的要求下才会发出. 本政策的目的是保护有关个人的隐私,并尽量减少将他人的成绩单用于欺诈目的的可能性. 建议学生计划在3到5个工作日内完成请求.  由于在秋季和春季学期结束时收到的成绩单请求的数量,学生应该计划在两周的时间内处理请求.

Official transcripts are normally issued directly to other educational institutions or prospective employers designated by the student. 发给学生的正式成绩单可以放在密封的信封中,用于运输到另一方,但如果学生打开,将被视为非官方成绩单. Unsealed transcripts issued directly to students are considered unofficial and are stamped "Issued to Student".



本目录记录了学术课程, 政策, 正规澳门赌场网络2016-2017学年的活动安排. 此处包含的信息截至2016年4月29日发布之日是准确的.

的 University of New England reserves the right in its sole judgment to make changes of any nature in its programs, 日历, 如有必要或需要,可随时更改课程表, 包括课程内容的变化, 在延长或不延长学期的情况下重新安排课程, 取消预定的课程或其他学术活动, in any such case giving such notice thereof as is reasonably practicable under the circumstances.

而每个学生可能与学术顾问密切合作, 他或她必须保留个人责任,以满足本目录中的要求,并了解条款或要求的任何变化.