UNE President James Herbert testifies at a congressional hearing

On health workforce shortage, where do we go from here? President James Herbert has a plan


UNE President James D. 赫伯特,Ph值.D.,, for the second time, testified before the U.S. 森ate Committee on 健康, 教育, 劳动, 初级健康和退休保障小组委员会, D.C.,正规澳门赌场网络医疗保健人力短缺和改善方法.

Herbert, who was introduced by U.S. 森. Susan Collins of Maine, spoke during a Congressional hearing titled “Examining 健康 Care Workforce Shortages: Where Do We Go From Here?” at the request of Subcommittee Chairman U.S. 森. Bernie S和ers of Vermont. Herbert first spoke before the HELP subcommittee on the topic 2021年5月.

根据美国医院协会,美国将面临一个 shortage of up to 124,000 physicians by 2033, including shortages of primary care physicians 和 specialists, 和 will need to hire 200,000 nurses per year to meet dem和. 

The Association of American Medical 大学 has said the U.S. may lose as many as 55,200 primary care physicians 到那时.


President Herbert speaks on a Congressional panel
  1. 增加我们所培养的医生、护士和其他卫生保健专业人员的数量 通过扩大大学与社区卫生保健机构之间的伙伴关系,开发更多的培训机会, revise out-of-date policies, 提供有针对性的一次性调整,以扩大保健培训基础设施,  和 develop strategic scholarship 和 loan-repayment programs
  2. 有意地招收更多看起来像我们需要服务的社区的学生, 因为来自代表性不足群体的个人更有可能寻找与他们有共同身份和背景的从业者
  3. 使用各种工具鼓励卫生保健提供者在服务不足的地区执业,包括农村、部落和医疗服务不足的城市社区 
  4. Leverage the power of technology, including telehealth 和 digital medicine, to reach underserved communities 并与我们的各个培训地点密切合作,为我们所有的卫生专业学生提供强大的远程医疗培训
  5. 修改州一级的法规,允许卫生专业人员在他们的范围内执业
  6. Fundamentally change the prevailing educational model by 鼓励认证机构允许培训项目更具创造性和灵活性 推广跨专业教育(IPE)培训模式,打破传统的卫生保健培训和实践孤岛
森. 伯尼·桑德斯(伯尼•桑德斯)指着一个黑板,上面列出了迫在眉睫的护士短缺问题
UNE President James Herbert shakes 森. S和ers' h和 following testimony
UNE President James Herbert
President Herbert speaks on a Congressional panel

Herbert stressed that no single strategy outlined in his testimony can solve the health care worker shortage; rather, they must work in concert.


“要想成功解决美国的医疗人力危机,不仅需要对这些单独的举措采取行动,还需要将它们无缝地整合起来,他说. “Although strategic investment of resources will be required, much of the work we confront reflects cultural changes that will require strong leadership; a willingness to innovate; 和 coordinated partnership between academia, 政府, 行业, 和 the nonprofit sector.”

Watch the testimony

UNE President James D. 赫伯特作为第一位证人在参议院卫生委员会作证, 教育, 劳动, 以及养老金,正规澳门赌场网络如何缓解卫生专业人员短缺的问题, including efforts undertaken by UNE to close the gap.



"The shortage of health care workers in Maine, where I live 和 work, 这是否预示着这个国家的其他地方将越来越多地面临招聘和留住医疗保健骨干人员的斗争," President Herbert writes in his op-ed in 统计新闻. “随着国家老龄化和城市化在城市和广大偏远农村地区创造了一些服务不足的人口,该州面临的挑战比该国其他地区面临的挑战要大."

Read the full op-Ed.

新闻 Coverage of the Hearing