
乌苏拉年代.R. 玫瑰,Ph值.D.

Associate Professor


Peter and Cecile Morgane Hall 105
Biddeford Campus



University of Göttingen, Germany in collaboration with USDA-ARS Gainesville, FL
University of Göttingen, Germany

Post-Doctoral Training

研究, ICG-3, Phytosphere
研究 Center Juelich (Juelich, Germany, )

Post-Doctoral Training, Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology
Department of Biochemistry (Jena, Germany, )


Selected publications

henk G.J.,约瑟夫·A.M.索普·M.R., Scheu S.拉努埃., Schurr U.,以及玫瑰你.S.R. 2011. Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 maintains carbon delivery to Fusarium graminearum-infected roots and prevents reduction in biomass of barley shoots through systemic interactions. Journal of Experimental Botany 62: 4337-4344.


Lanoue一., Burlat V, henk G.J., Koch I, Schurr U.,以及玫瑰你.S.R.  2010.  De novo biosynthesis of defense root exudates in response to Fusarium attack in barley. 新植物学家 185: 577-588.


Lanoue一., Burlat V, Schurr U.,以及玫瑰你.S.R.   2010.   Induced root-secreted phenolic compounds as a belowground plant defense.  植物信号 & 行为. 5: 1037-1038.  


玫瑰你.S.R. & 霍夫曼D. 2009 Volatiles emitted from extrafloral nectar of cotton plants (Gossypium hirsutum) 米特. Dtsch. 全球经济. allg. angew. Ent. 17: 73-77.


施密特L., Schurr U.,. 玫瑰你. S. R.  2009 Local and systemic effects of two herbivores with different feeding mechanisms on primary metabolism of cotton leaves. 植物细胞 & 环境 32: 893-903.


henk G.J.索普·M.R.明钦P.E., Schurr U.,以及玫瑰你. S. R. 2008.  Jasmonic acid root treatment induces immediate changes in the partitioning of recently fixed carbon in barley plants.  植物细胞 & 环境 31: 1229-1236.


Schwartzberg E.G.库纳特·G., 玫瑰你.S.R.[J].Weisser W.W. 2008.  Alarm pheromone emission by different clones of pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum, under predation by lacewing larvae. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 128: 403-409.


Schwartzberg E.G.库纳特·G.斯蒂芬·C.大卫·A., 玫瑰你.S.R.[J].,荷兰W.Weisser W.W. 2008.  Real-time analysis of alarm pheromone emission by the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum under predation by lacewing larvae. Journal of Chemical Ecology 34: 76-81.


Luhring H.,阮V. D.施密特·L., 玫瑰你.S.R.  2007. Caterpillar regurgitant induces pore formation in plant membranes. FEBS Letters 581: 5361-5370.


Tholl D. 和玫瑰你.S.R.  2006. Detection and Identification of Floral Scent Compounds. Pg 3-25. Book chapter In: Biology of Floral Scent. Eds.: N. 都达瑞娃,E. Pichersky, CRC Press, Boca Raton,FL.


玫瑰你. S. R.刘易斯·W. J., Tumlinson, J. H.  2006. Extrafloral nectar from cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) as a food source for parasitic wasps. Functional Ecology 20: 67-74.


Tholl D.,荷兰W.——汉斯·A.洛雷托·F., 玫瑰你.S.R. Schnitzler J.-P. 2006. Practical approaches to plant volatile analysis. The Plant Journal 45: 540-560.


玫瑰你. S. R. 和Tumlinson J. H. 2005. Systemic induction of volatile release in cotton: How specific is the signal to herbivory? 足底 222: 327-335.


Kunert G.奥托,S., 玫瑰, U. S. R.Gershenzon, J.韦瑟,W. W. 2005. Alarm pheromone mediates production of winged dispersal morphs in aphids. 生态学通讯 8: 596-603.



研究 interests

Induced plant defenses in response to biotic stress; induced defenses in algae