Tom Klak

Thomas Klak, Ph.D.


Eligible for Student Opportunities

Vice President & Gene Conservation Chair, 美国栗子基金会缅因州分会

Science & Technology Committee member, American Chestnut Foundation



Augustana College, Rock Island IL
University of Wisconsin-Madison


  • Eco-resilience
  • Ecology
  • Genetic engineering
  • Genomics


Current research

Selected publications


Student co-authors are in italics.

2021. Thomas Klak, Ellen Spiers, and William Powell. 2021. “突破:转基因花粉在不到一年的时间” 栗子:美国栗子基金会期刊 Vol. 35, No. 3 (Fall), pp.27-29.

2021. 托马斯·克拉克和弗农·科菲,“受控授粉真的被控制了吗??” in 栗子:美国栗子基金会期刊, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 31-33.

2020. Thomas Klak, Woon Yuen Koh, Tyler Riendeau, and Andrew Grammas, 四种板栗种子Oxo基因活性无损检测方法的比较 栗子:美国栗子基金会期刊, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 31-34.

2018a Klak, Thomas《正规澳门赌场网络》 栗子:美国栗子基金会期刊 Spring, 32(1)12-14

2018b Klak, Thomas“缅因州美洲板栗生物多样性的保护和利用” 栗子:美国栗子基金会期刊 Winter, 32(2)10-12

2018c克拉克,托马斯,《正规澳门赌场网站》 栗子:美国栗子基金会期刊 Fall, 32(3)10-12

2017. Collins Tracey, Chris Indorf, and Thomas Klak, “为推迟上学达成地区共识:缅因州南部医生推动的方法”, 睡眠健康:国家睡眠基金会杂志, Vol. 3, pp.479–482

2017. Noah Perlut, Thomas Klak, Eldar Rakhimberdiev“地理定位器数据揭示了加勒比马丁的迁徙路线和越冬地点” The Wilson Journal of Ornithology. Vol 129, No. 3, pp. 605–610.

2016. Thomas Klak and Joseph Simonowicz, 世界遗产地及其邻近社区之间的关系:跨尺度分析和多米尼加案例研究,” chapter in: 全球变化与加勒比:适应和复原力. Barker, D., D. McGregor, T. Edwards and K. Rhiney (editors). 金斯顿,牙买加:西印度群岛大学出版社.

2016. Edward L. Jackiewicz和Thomas Klak“拉丁美洲和加勒比地区的大众和另类旅游”,载于 放置拉丁美洲:当代地理主题. (第三版)Ed Jackiewicz和Fernando Bosco(编辑). Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.

2016. 托马斯·克拉克,《正规澳门赌场网络》,刊于 Placing Latin America: Contemporary Themes in Geography. (第三版)Ed Jackiewicz和Fernando Bosco(编辑). Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.

2014. Thomas Klak,《正规澳门赌场网络》,摘自: The Companion to Development Studies. (第三版)Vandana Desai和Robert Potter编辑. NY: Routledge, pp. 121-127.

2014. Thomas Klak. 跨文化参与在海外学习中的重要性:多米尼克的经历 International Agenda Vol 13, No. 2, pp. 14-17 & 23.

2013. Thomas Klak and Emma Gaalaas Mullaney. “社区伙伴关系的层次和网络:一个由海外伙伴提供信息的框架”,《正规澳门赌场网络》, Vol 6, pp.1–21.

2013. Thomas Klak,“世界系统理论:核心、半外围和外围区域”,刊于: The Companion to Development Studies. (第三版)Vandana Desai和Robert Potter编辑. London: Edward Arnold Publishers.

2012. Erika D. Nelson and Thomas Klak, 国际体验式学习的公平性:评估学生和接收社区的利益. PRISM: A Journal of Regional Engagement. 1, 2, pp.106-129. 

2012. Thomas Klak, “地理学术与海外留学教学的协同作用:多米尼加的农业社区” Focus on Geography Vol. 55, No. 4 (Winter) pp. 125-131.

2011. Thomas Klak, James Wiley, Emma Gaalaas Mullaney, Swetha Peteru, Seann Regan, Jean-Yves Merilus, “Inclusive Neoliberalism?: Perspectives from Eastern Caribbean farmers” Progress in Development Studies. Vol. 11, No. 1 pp. 33–61.

2011. Thomas Klak and Emma Gaalaas Mullaney. 《正规澳门赌场网站》, to Miami University-Dominica Partnerships”, Partnerships: A Journal of Service Learning & Civic Engagement. Vol. 2, No. 1 (Winter) pp. 1-26.

2010. Swetha Peteru, Seann Regan, Thomas Klak,《正规澳门赌场网络》 Focus on Geography Vol. 53, No. 4 (Winter) pp. 124-133.

Other scholarly activity

2019 Maine Paid Summer Research:

The American Chestnut Foundation

Locations: Biddeford & Saco area, and various other towns around Maine (Hartland, Manchester, Stetson, Veazie, Bradley, Hope, Camden, Monmouth, China, Unity, Searsport, Winthrop, Vienna, Phippsburg).

Tasks and Responsibilities: 通过接种和评级协助测试幼苗的病原体抗性. 参与幼苗的田间表现和物候测量. 协助组织和种植种质资源保护园. 与其他学生合作完成TACF暑期研究任务. 协助缅因州几个地点的树木繁殖和种子园(施肥), weeding, irrigating, inventory, fencing, planting). 通过现场接种和评级,协助测试果园树木的抗病性. 参加发现队,通过地面和空中搜寻缅因州周围幸存的大型美国栗树. 数据录入,网站维护,分会会员沟通.

Compensation: $12/hour, 20 hours/week for 12 weeks (may be full-time contingent on pending grant); some travel and meals may be compensated. 你需要提供自己的交通工具和适合任务的衣服和安全设备(靴子), gloves etc.).

Optional for-credit Internship如果学生愿意,可以安排实习或指导学习,以获得UNE学分.

Supervision:  正规澳门赌场网络Thomas Klak教授和其他缅因州TACF董事会的监督下独立完成工作.

Dates:  Flexible – May through August

申请截止日期至职位满为止: 发送一封求职信,解释该职位如何有助于你的学术和职业目标, and resume, 感谢TACF缅因分会董事会成员汤姆·克拉克 ;  Glen Rea:

欲了解更多信息,请联系汤姆·克拉克,环境研究部门,正规澳门赌场网络 or visit TACF Maine Chapter website: .

Research topics

Forest Ecology
Gene Expression
Invasive Species
Plant Biology