
理查德·B. 彼得森,Ph值.D.




作为老师, I seek to create opportunities for students to actively engage in their own learning, through active discussion and debate in the classroom and by getting direct experience in the field, whether though volunteering on an organic farm, touring the local incinerator and seeing where their garbage goes, helping out at local food shelters, taking part in a work weekend at an Eco-village, or working with community organizations in Kenya to combat soil erosion. I have spent a lot of time in East and 非洲中部 and bring my experiences working with indigenous peoples and rainforest conservation into my courses. I live in Portland on the edge of the 85-acre Fore River Sanctuary, a place in which you can often find me hiking, 滑雪, 或划独木舟.



University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Michigan State University


  • 非洲中部
  • Community-based conservation
  • 东非
  • 生态人类学
  • 环境伦理学
  • 环境正义



Comparative assessment of forest conservation models in western Kenya; combating soil erosion through employing community-based soil conservation strategies in Nyando District, western Kenya; cultural and environmental impact assessment of micro-financing initiatives in Ubangi Region, Democratic Republic of Congo.


彼得森RB, Kapiyo RA, Campbell EM, and Nyabua PO. 2018. Gully Rehabilitation Trusts: Fighting Soil Erosion Through Community Participation in Western Kenya. Journal of Rural Studies 58: 67-81.

彼得森RB. 2018. Taking it to the City: Urban-Placed Pedagogies in Detroit and Roxbury. Journal of Environmental Studies and 科学s 8 (3): 326-342. http://doi-org.une.idm.oclc.org/10.1007/s13412-017-0455-4

彼得森,RB. 2017. Conversations in the Rainforest: Culture, 值, and the Environment in 非洲中部, Revised and Updated Edition. Environmental Studies Faculty Books. 1. http://dune.osgoodschlattersurgery.com/env_facbooks/1

Daley M, Grumbling O, and 彼得森RB. 2014. Rescuing Economics From the Discipline: The Green Learning Community. Journal of Higher 教育 Theory and Practice 14 (3): 70-82.

Margles,年代.W., R.B. 彼得森J. 欧文和B. Kaplin. 2010. Conservation without Borders: Building Communication and Action across Disciplinary Boundaries for Effective Conservation. Environmental Management, forthcoming.

彼得森,R.B., D. 罗素,P. West和J。.P. Brosius. 2009. Seeing (and Doing) Conservation Through Cultural Lenses. Environmental Management, forthcoming. On-line publication currently available at http://www.springerlink.com/content/35571m662k487777/

彼得森,R.B. 2008. Of Micro-hydros and Mami Wata: Rural Development Meets Mythological Reality. In Sacred Waters: Arts for Mami Wata and Other Divinities in Africa and the Diaspora, H. Drewal, (ed), Indiana University Press.

彼得森,R.B. 2006. Why Mami Wata Matter: Local Considerations for Sustainable Waterpower Development Policy in 非洲中部. Local Environment 11(1): 109-125.

彼得森,R.B. 2003. 非洲中部n Voices on the Human/Environment Relationship. In This Sacred Earth: Religion, Nature, Environment, 2nd Edition, R.S. Gottlieb, (ed), Routledge.

彼得森,R.B. 2000. Conversations in the Rainforest: Culture, 值, and the Environment in 非洲中部. 北京大学出版社.


U.S. 国务院, Bureau of 教育al and Cultural Affairs, 富布赖特学者计划, Scholar-in-Residence Grant, 2010.


Integrating indigenous ecological and cultural knowledge into development and conservation; community-based conservation; impacts of war on conservation and land use; human immigration into rainforests; community-based soil conservation