
吉姆·卡瓦诺,PT, Ph.D.

Neurologic Clinical Specialist Emeritus /




Dr. Cavanaugh joined the PT faculty in 2007 in large part for its student-focused, 社区文化.   He is an active member of the university faculty, with special interest in interprofessional education. He received a BA in Psychology from the 圣母大学 in 1985 and completed his physical therapy training with a MS degree from 杜克大学 in 1987. From 1996-2016, he was a Board Certified Clinical Specialist in Neurologic 物理治疗. 2004年,他获得了博士学位.D in Human Movement 科学 from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where his doctoral work focused on detecting subtle changes in postural control among collegiate athletes with cerebral concussion. 他的博士后研究, for which he received funding from the National Institute on Aging, focused on identifying the determinants of ambulatory activity in older adults. Although his physical therapy clinical expertise covers a range of areas within the neuromuscular practice domain, he has worked most extensively in the area of rehabilitation for individuals with inner ear dysfunction. Dr. Cavanaugh has a long history of teaching in entry level and post-professional degree programs, as well as in continuing education settings. His research program at UNE focuses on developing interventions for improving physical activity in individuals with balance and mobility problems.  His most recent work has focused on individuals with 帕金森病.




University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Board Certifications and Licenses

物理治疗 - State of Maine #PT3371


博士后训练, Geriatric 研究, 教育, and Clinical Center
Veterans Affairs Medical Center (Durham, North Carolina)



To view all publications in PubMed, 点击这里.

扎亚茨杰, Porciuncula F, 瓦诺JT, 麦格雷戈C, 哈里斯英航, Smayda柯, Awad LN, Pantelyat一, 埃利斯TD. Feasibility and proof-of-concept of delivering an autonomous music-based digital walking intervention to persons with Parkinson Disease in a naturalistic setting. 帕金森病杂志 2023;13:1253-1265.

Girnis J, 瓦诺JT, 贝克T, 邓肯RP, Fulford)维, LaValley议员, Lawrence M, 俱乐部队T, Porciuncula F, Rawson KS, Saint-Hilaire米, 托马斯·C, 扎亚茨J, 埃尔哈特通用, 埃利斯TD. Natural Walking Intensity in Persons with Parkinson Disease. [J]神经物理学 2023;47(3):146-154.

扎亚茨杰, 瓦诺JT, 贝克T, 邓肯RP, Fulford)维, Girnis J, LaValley米, 俱乐部队T, Porciuncula F, Rawson KS, Saint-Hillaire米, 托马斯CA, 埃尔哈特通用, 埃利斯TD. Does clinically measured walking capacity contribute to real-world walking performance in people with Parkinson’s disease? 帕金森病及相关疾病s 2022;105:123-127.

Schwab SM, Andrade V, Santos Moreira T, 瓦诺JT, Vaz, DV, Silva PL. Narrowing the physiotherapy knowledge-practice gap: faculty training beyond the health sciences. 物理理论与实践. 2022年,1月23日,保护主义. 

扎亚茨杰, 瓦诺JT, Colon-Semenza C, DeAngelis TR, 邓肯RP, Fulford)维, LaValley米, 俱乐部队T, Rawson KS, Saint-Hilaire米, 托马斯CA, 埃尔哈特通用, 埃利斯TD. Are mobile persons with 帕金森病 necessarily more active? [J]神经生理学 2021;45(4):259-265.

Rawson KS, 瓦诺JT, Colon-Semenza C, DeAngelis T, 邓肯RP, Fulford)维, LaValley议员, 玛P, 俱乐部队T, Quintillani LM, Saint-Hilaire米, 托马斯CA, 埃尔哈特通用, 埃利斯TD. Design of the WHIP-PD study: a phase II, 十二个月, dual-site, randomized controlled trial evaluating the effect of a cognitive-behavioral approach for promoting enhanced walking activity using mobile health technology in people with 帕金森病. BMC神经学 2020; 20:146.

埃利斯TD, 瓦诺JT, DeAngelis TR, Hendron K, 托马斯CA, Saint-Hilaire米, Latham N. Comparative effectiveness of m健康 supported exercise compared to exercise alone for people with Parkinson Disease: randomized controlled pilot study. phy其他 2019;99(2):203-216.

瓦诺JT, Kelty-Stephen DG, Stergiou N. 分, 交互性, and the adaptive capacity of the human movement system: a perspective for advancing the conceptual basis of neurologic physical therapy. [J]神经物理学. 2017;41(4): 245–251.

Lester ME, 瓦诺JT, 工头KB, Shaffer SW, Marcus R, 种植勒. Adaptation of postural recovery responses to a vestibular sensory illusion in individuals with 帕金森病 and health controls. 中国> 2017;48:73-79.

邓肯RP, Combs-Miller年代, Leddy艾尔, 瓦诺JT, 种植勒, 埃利斯TD, 福特议员, 工头KB, 埃尔哈特通用. Are the average gait speeds during the 10 meter and 6 minute walk tests redundant in 帕金森病? 步态姿势. 2017;52:178-182.

Konrad SC, 瓦诺JT, Rodriguez K, Hall K, Pardue K. A five-session interprofessional team immersion program for health professions students. [J]. 2017;6:49-54.

Lane H, Rose LE, Woodbury M, Arghavani D, Lawrence M, 瓦诺JT. Exploring the effects of using an oral appliance to reduce movement dysfunction in an individual with 帕金森病: a single subject design study. [J]神经物理学 2016. [J]神经物理学. 2017;41(1):52-58.

保罗党卫军, 埃利斯TD, 种植勒, 埃尔哈特通用, 福特议员, Foreman B, Cavanaugh, JT. Obtaining reliable estimates of ambulatory physical activity in people with Parkinson’s disease. 帕金森病杂志. 2016; 6(2):301-5.

埃利斯TE, 瓦诺JT, 埃尔哈特通用, 福特议员, 工头KB, 萨克雷一, Thiese MS, 种植勒. Identifying clinical measures that most accurately reflect the progression of disability in 帕金森病. 帕金森病及相关疾病s 2016;25:65-71. 

保罗党卫军, 萨克雷一, 邓肯RP, 瓦诺JT, 埃利斯TD, 埃尔哈特通用, 福特议员, 工头KB, 种植勒. Two-year trajectory of fall risk in people with Parkinson’s disease: a latent class analysis. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2016;97:372-379.

邓肯RP, LEddy AL, 瓦诺JT, 种植勒, 埃利斯TD, 福特议员, 工头KP, 埃尔哈特通用. Balance differences in people with 帕金森病 with and without freezing of gait. 步态姿势 2015;42:3-6-309.

邓肯RP, 瓦诺JT, 埃尔哈特通用, 埃利斯TE, 福特议员, 工头KB, Leddy艾尔, 保罗党卫军, 罐头CG, 萨克雷一, 种植勒. External validation of a simple clinical tool used to predict falls in people with 帕金森病. 帕金森病及相关疾病s 2015;21:960-963.

瓦诺JT, 埃利斯TD, 埃尔哈特通用, 福特议员, 工头KB, 种植勒. Toward understanding ambulatory activity decline in 帕金森病. 物理治疗 2015;95(8):1142-1150.

Duncan, RP, Leddy艾尔, 瓦诺JT, 种植勒, 埃利斯TD, 福特议员, 工头KB, 埃尔哈特通用. Detecting and predicting balance decline in 帕金森病. 帕金森病杂志 2015; 5(1):131-9.

卡瓦诺JT和克劳福德K. Life-space Assessment and Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly: validity of proxy informant responses. Archives of Physical Medicine and 康复 2014;95:1527-32.

瓦诺JT, Dunfey JC, Wyand MK. Companion confidence in the balance of community-dwelling older adults: implications for physical activity promotion. Journal of Geriatric 物理治疗 2014;37:121-126.

Litterini AJ, Fieler VF, 瓦诺JT, Lee J. Differential Effects of Cardiovascular and Resistance Exercise on Functional Mobility in Individuals with Advanced Cancer: A Randomized Trial. Archives of Physical Medicine and 康复 2013;94:2329-35.

Nemanich S, Duncan R, Dibble L, Cavanaugh J, 福特米, 工头KB, 埃尔哈特通用. Predictors of gait speeds and the relationship of gait speeds to falls in men and women with 帕金森病. ParkinsonÕs疾病2013. 文章ID141720.

Davis J, Crawford K, Wierman H, Osgood W, Cavanaugh J, Mette S. Mobilization of ventilated elders (MOVE). Journal of Geriatric 物理治疗 2013;36:1-7.

埃利斯, TE, Boudreau JK, DeAngelis TR, 布朗勒, 瓦诺JT, 埃尔哈特通用, 福特米, 工头K, 种植勒. Barriers to exercise in persons with 帕金森病. 物理治疗杂志 2013;93:626-636.

邓肯RP, Leddy艾尔, 瓦诺JT, 种植勒, 埃利斯TD, 福特议员, 工头KB. Comparative utility of the BESTest, Mini-BESTest, and Brief-BESTest for predicting falls in individuals with 帕金森病: a cohort study. phy其他 2013;93:542-550.

瓦诺JT, Eillis T, Earhardt GM, 福特米, 工头KB, 种植勒. Capturing ambulatory activity decline in 帕金森病. Journal of Neurologic 物理治疗 2012; 36: 51_57.

Duncan R, Leddy A, Cavanaugh J, Dibble L, 埃利斯 T, 福特米, 工头KB, Earhardt GM. Accuracy of Fall Prediction in Parkinson Disease: 6-Month and 12-Month Prospective Analyses. ParkinsonOs疾病 2012; Article ID 237673.

Sheldon M, 瓦诺JT, Croninger W, Osgood W, Robnett R, Seigle J, Simonsen L. Preparing 康复 健康care Providers in the 21st century: Implementation of Interprofessional教育 through an Academic-Clinical Site Partnership. WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment, 康复 2012; 41:269-275.

卡瓦诺JT和康拉德SC. Fostering the development of effective person-centered healthcare communication skills: an interprofessional shared learning model. WORK: Journal of Prevention, Assessment & 康复 2012;41:293-301.

埃利斯 T, 瓦诺JT, 埃尔哈特通用, 福特议员, 工头KB, 种植勒. Factors associated with exercise behavior in people with parkinson disease. phy其他 2011;91(12):1838-1848.

埃尔哈特通用, 瓦诺JT, 埃利斯 T, 福特议员, 工头KB, 种植勒. The 9-hole peg test of upper extremity function: normative values, 两次试验法的可靠性, and factors contributing to performance in people with parkinson disease. [J]神经物理学 2011;35(4):157-163.

埃利斯 T, 瓦诺JT, 埃尔哈特通用, 福特议员, 工头KB, 种植勒. Which measures of physical function and motor impairment best predict health related quality of life in people with parkinson disease? 帕金森病及相关疾病s 2011;17(9):693-7.

瓦诺JT, Gappmaier V, 种植勒, Gappmaier E. Ambulatory activity in individuals with multiple sclerosis.  [J]神经物理学 2011;35(1):26-33.

种植勒, 瓦诺JT, Earhart G, 埃利斯 T, 福特米, 工头KB. Charting the progression of disability in parkinson disease: study protocol for a prospective longitudinal cohort study. BMC神经 2010;10:110.

瓦诺JT和Stergiou N. 对Chastin等人的回应.Ó 老年医学杂志 2010; 65A(11):1256_1258. Epub 2010年8月9日.

瓦诺JT, Kochi N, Stergiou N. Nonlinear analysis of ambulatory activity patterns in community-dwelling older adults.  老年医学杂志 2010;65A(2):197-203. Epub 2009年10月12日.

瓦诺JT, Mercer VS, Stergiou N. Approximate entropy detects the effect of a secondary cognitive task on postural control in healthy young adults: a methodological report. 神经康复学杂志 2007;4:42.


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1. Physical functioning in individuals with 帕金森病.

2. Physical activity; ambulatory activity monitoring

3. Nonlinear dynamics methods for analyzing variability and complexity of human movement and postural control

4. Interprofessional教育

5. 与运动有关的脑震荡