
乔治P. 艾伦,制药.D.



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Dr. George 艾伦 is an Associate Professor 和 Chair of the Department of 制药acy Practice at the School of 制药acy, Westbrook College of 健康的职业 at the University of New Engl和. Dr. 艾伦 earned his Doctor of 制药acy degree from the Massachusetts College of 制药acy 和 Allied 健康 科学s in 1998. Dr. 艾伦 then completed a 制药acy Practice Residency at the University of 华盛顿 in Seattle, WA, a Fellowship in Infectious Diseases 制药acotherapy at Wayne State University in Detroit, MI. 作为一名博士后研究员. 艾伦 performed laboratory-based research examining induction of bacterial resistance by a variety of antimicrobials. Before joining the University of New Engl和 in 2010, Dr. 艾伦 was a member of the faculty at the Oregon State University College of 制药acy in Portl和, OR, where he continued his research 和 participated in didactic 和 experiential education of Doctor of 制药acy students.



Massachusetts College of 制药acy 和 Allied 健康 科学s


Fellowship, Infectious Diseases 制药acotherapy
Wayne State University College of 制药acy 和 Allied 健康 (Detroit, Michigan)

University of 华盛顿 和 Harborview Medical Centers (Seattle, 华盛顿)



Dr. 艾伦's research focuses on investigations of the pharmacodynamics of antimicrobial resistance. He uses in vitro modeling techniques that allow evaluation of the effects of varying antimicrobial exposures on the development of resistance. 大多数博士. 艾伦's current work consists of studies of two unique measures of antimicrobial activity, the mutant prevention concentration 和 mutant selection window. This work is performed using a variety of clinically important bacterial species, including 奈瑟氏菌属 了解淋病, 肺炎克雷伯菌, 沙门氏菌血清, 弗氏志贺菌, with most research focusing on the fluoroquinolone antimicrobials. 一般来说,博士. 艾伦's work is designed to determine those antimicrobials (as well as the optimal doses of said antimicrobials) that will best prevent the emergence of bacterial resistance in the laboratory 和, 潜在的, 在临床环境中.


艾伦医生, Deao KM, Hill SA, Schipelliti SM, Tran T. In vitro evaluation of antimicrobial resistance selection in 淋病奈瑟氏菌. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 2021;58:106417.

艾伦GP,哈里斯KA. 体外抗性选择 弗氏志贺菌 以阿奇霉素, 头孢曲松钠, 环丙沙星, 左氧氟沙星, 和莫西沙星. Antimicrobial Agents 和 Chemotherapy 2017;61:e00082-17.

艾伦医生, Moore WM, Moser LR, Neill KK, Sambamoorthi U, Bell HS. The role of servant leadership 和 transformational leadership in academic pharmacy. American Journal of 制药aceutical 教育 2016年,80年:第113条.

McGregor JC, Hartung DM, 艾伦医生, Taplitz RA, Traver R, Tong T, Bearden DT. Risk factors associated with linezolid non-susceptible enterococcal infections. American Journal of Infection Control 2012;40:886-7.

艾伦医生, Deshp和e LM. Determination of the mutant selection window for clindamycin, 强力霉素, linezolid, 莫西沙星, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole against community-associated meticillin-resistant 金黄色葡萄球菌. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 2010;35:45-9.

艾伦GP,汉金斯CD. Evaluation of the mutant selection window for fluoroquinolones against 淋病奈瑟氏菌. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2009;64:359-63.

艾伦GP,比尔曼BC. In vitro analysis of resistance selection by linezolid in vancomycin-susceptible 和 -resistant 粪肠球菌肠球菌都有效. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 2009;34:21-4.

McGregor JC, 艾伦医生, Bearden DT. Levofloxacin in the treatment of complicated urinary tract infections 和 acute pyelonephritis. Therapeutics 和 Clinical Risk Management 2008;4:843-53.

比尔登DT,艾伦GP, Christensen JM. Comparative in vitro activities of topical wound care products against community-associated methicillin-resistant 金黄色葡萄球菌. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2008;62:769-72.

艾伦医生, Kaatz GW, Rybak MJ. In vitro activities of mutant prevention concentration-targeted concentrations of fluoroquinolones against 金黄色葡萄球菌 在药效学模型中. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 2004;24:150-60.

比尔登DT,艾伦GP. Impact of antimicrobial control programs on patient outcomes: pharmacy perspective. Disease Management 和 健康 Outcomes 2003;11:723-36.

艾伦医生, Kaatz GW, Rybak MJ. Activities of mutant prevention concentration-targeted 莫西沙星 和 左氧氟沙星 against 链球菌引起的肺炎 in an in vitro pharmacodynamic model. Antimicrobial Agents 和 Chemotherapy 2003;47:2606-14.

艾伦医生. The mutant prevention concentration: a review. 传染病杂志 药物治疗6:27-47 2003;.

艾伦医生, Cha RC, Rybak MJ. In vitro activities of quinupristin-dalfopristin 和 cefepime, alone 和 in combination with various antimicrobials against multidrug-resistant staphylococci 和 enterococci in an in vitro pharmacodynamic model. Antimicrobial Agents 和 Chemotherapy 2002;46:2606-12.


施普林格SP,艾伦GP. Utilizing virtual reality to introduce hospice 和 end-of-life approaches. American Association of 大学 of 制药acy Annual Meeting, July 2021. (虚拟)

Vincent S, Mayer R, 艾伦 G, Dornblaser E. Creating opportunities for well-being in the midst of change at a school of pharmacy. American Association of 大学 of 制药acy Annual Meeting, July 2021. (虚拟)

艾伦医生, Brooks L, Deao KM, Gosling K, Hill SA. In vitro evaluation of resistance selection in 志贺氏杆菌sonnei by 头孢曲松钠, 厄他培南, 环丙沙星, 左氧氟沙星, 和莫西沙星. 摘要5715年. American Society for Microbiology 和 Federation of European Microbiological Societies’ 1st World Microbe Forum, 2021年6月. (虚拟)

Gosling K, Brooks L, Deao KM, Hill SA, 艾伦医生. Evaluation of in vitro fluoroquinolone resistance selection in 志贺氏杆菌sonnei. 抽象的sp - 654. 55th American Society of 健康-System 制药acists Midyear Clinical Meeting, 新奥尔良, LA, 2020年12月. (虚拟)

Tran T, Deao KM, Hill SA, Schipelliti SM, 艾伦医生. Evaluation of in vitro mutant selection in 淋病奈瑟氏菌 以阿奇霉素, 头孢曲松钠, 强力霉素, 厄他培南, 庆大霉素, 环丙沙星, 左氧氟沙星, 和莫西沙星. 抽象的sp - 657. 55th American Society of 健康-System 制药acists Midyear Clinical Meeting, 新奥尔良, LA, 2020年12月. (虚拟)

Greenleaf T, Barlow D, Rieder C, 艾伦 G, May M, Houseknecht K. Examining bacterial resistance using varied experimental approaches. 抽象的15. University of New Engl和 College of 整骨疗法的医学 学生的研究 和 Scholarship Forum, Biddeford, ME, 2018年9月. (安可演示)

Greenleaf T, Barlow D, Rieder C, 艾伦 G, May M, Houseknecht K. Examining bacterial resistance using varied experimental approaches. MDI Biological Laboratory Summer Student Symposium, Bar Harbor, ME, August 2018.

Brazeau D, Lobaina E, Nguyen H, Ciapciak K, Carlson A, 艾伦 G, Karamchi M. Evaluating DNA recovery of enteric pathogens from a fecal swab collection 和 transport system following prolonged storage. 文摘P0430. 28th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology 和 Infectious Diseases, Madrid, Spain, April 2018.
Black C, Harris KA, 艾伦医生. Evaluation of in vitro resistance selection in 弗氏志贺菌 by 氯霉素, gemifloxacin, 左氧氟沙星, pivmecillinam, rifaximin. Maine 制药acy Association Sesquicentennial, Portl和, ME, October 2017. [Encore Presentation 和 Award: Best Poster]

艾伦医生, Black C, Harris KA. Evaluation of in vitro resistance selection in 弗氏志贺菌 by 氯霉素, gemifloxacin, 左氧氟沙星, pivmecillinam, rifaximin. 文摘星期五- 96. ASM Microbe 2017, 新奥尔良, LA, June 2017.

Brazeau D, Kim W, Kollar R, 艾伦 G, Vaughn J. Evaluation of RNA preservation buffers for the storage of high quality RNA in clinical 和 field samples. 文摘周六- 502. ASM Microbe 2017, 新奥尔良, LA, June 2017.

Brazeau D, Karamchi M, Kollar R, Kim W, 艾伦 G, Vaughn J. Performance evaluation of a liquid amies based medium in detection of the viral 和 bacterial pathogens using species specific Q-PCR. 文摘周二- 63. ASM Clinical Virology Symposium, Savannah, GA, May 2017.

艾伦GP,哈里斯KA. In vitro evaluation of resistance selection in 弗氏志贺菌 以阿奇霉素, 头孢曲松钠, 环丙沙星, 左氧氟沙星, 和莫西沙星. 文摘周日- 513. ASM Microbe 2016, 波士顿, MA, June 2016.

李国强,李国杰,徐毅,吴天涛. In vitro evaluation of resistance selection by various antimicrobials in 大肠杆菌. 抽象的a - 482. 55th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents 和 Chemotherapy, Anaheim, CA, September 2015.

艾伦医生, Eastman KS, Freudenberger KR. Evaluation of in vitro resistance selection in 弗氏志贺菌 以阿奇霉素, 头孢曲松钠, 环丙沙星. 抽象的a - 483. 55th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents 和 Chemotherapy, Anaheim, CA, September 2015.

Brazeau D, Karamchi M, Kim WE, 艾伦医生. Performance evaluation of Puritan© Opti-Tranz medium in detection of 百日咳博德特氏菌 采用实时Q-PCR. 摘要1087年. American Society for Microbiology 115th General Meeting, 新奥尔良, LA, May-June 2015.

艾伦医生, Astrup GE, Dizon JM, McIver LA, Park DY. In vitro evaluation of antimicrobial combinations against fluoroquinolone-resistant 淋病奈瑟氏菌. 抽象的a - 1331. 54th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents 和 Chemotherapy, 华盛顿, DC, 2014年9月.

艾伦医生, Teklemariam KT, Ton-Nu PD. In vitro evaluation of azithromycin, 头孢曲松钠, 氯霉素, 环丙沙星, 厄他培南, 磷霉素, 莫西沙星对抗 沙门氏菌血清 伤寒型. 4th American Society for Microbiology Conference on 沙门氏菌: The Bacterium, 主机与环境, 波士顿, MA, 2013年10月.

艾伦医生, Paplaskas AM, Malinowski A. In vitro evaluation of antimicrobial combinations against NDM-1 producing 肺炎克雷伯菌. 抽象的a - 1038. 53rd Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents 和 Chemotherapy, Denver, CO, September 2013.

艾伦医生, Paplaskas AM, Malinowski A. In vitro evaluation of combinations of colistin 和 polymyxin B with various antimicrobials 针对carbapenemase-producing 肺炎克雷伯菌 (KPC). 摘要18. 1st International Conference on Polymyxins, Prato, Italy, May 2013.

艾伦医生, Paplaskas AM, Malinowski A. In vitro evaluation of colistin 和 polymyxin B, alone 和 in combination with 强力霉素, 磷霉素, 和tigecycline, 针对carbapenemase-producing 肺炎克雷伯菌. 文摘B14. The New Engl和 Regional Center of Excellence in Biodefense 和 Emerging Infectious Diseases (NERCE/BEID) 8th Annual Retreat, 纽波特, RI, 2012年11月.

艾伦医生, Ofodile CC. 阿奇霉素(AZM)评价, 头孢曲松钠(CRO), fluoroquinolone (FQ) resistance selection in 沙门氏菌 霍乱菌(SC). 副伤寒(SP)和S. 沙门氏菌感染(ST). 文摘126 c. 3rd American Society for Microbiology Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance in Zoonotic Bacteria 和 Foodborne Pathogens, 艾克斯、法国, 2012年6月.

艾伦医生, Lakoma LD, Malinowski A. Comparative evaluation of azithromycin (AZM) 和 clarithromycin (CLR) resistance selection in 沙门氏菌 Typhi (ST) using an in vitro pharmacodynamic model (IVPM). 抽象的a - 037. 51st Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents 和 Chemotherapy, Chicago, IL, September 2011.


Antimicrobial pharmacodynamics, Antimicrobial resistance