UNE announces new P.D. 美林捐赠了商业主席和创客空间总监

John Austin, Ph.D., and Justine Bassett, M.S.
John Austin, Ph.D., and Justine Bassett, M.S.

正规澳门赌场网络(University of New England)宣布了两项进展,这将提升其作为商业教育创新地区领导者的地位.D. Merrill Endowed Chair of Business and new director of the P.D. Merrill Makerspace, both named in honor of the late P.D. 梅里尔在1996年正规澳门赌场网络与威斯布鲁克学院合并期间担任董事会主席.

Following an international search, John Austin, Ph.D., has been selected as the first P.D. Merrill Endowed Chair of Business. He began his role on July 1.

As endowed chair, 奥斯汀将领导一个充满活力和活力的商业计划,提供工商管理集中在经济学, health sector management, international business, marketing, management, and social innovation and entrepreneurship. The program, housed within the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) on the University’s Biddeford Campus, also offers programs in communications, sport and recreation management, 以及海洋创业、可持续发展和商业的跨学科项目.

“UNE stands out as a unique and innovative institution, 我期待着与我的新同事合作,帮助现在和未来的正规澳门赌场网络学生在这个瞬息万变的世界中茁壮成长,” Austin said. “I am thrilled to become part of the UNE community.”

受赠讲席的其他职责包括在计划内进行教学, academic advising, curriculum development and assessment, recruitment and mentorship of faculty and students, budgetary oversight, and working with a collaborative college leadership team.

Austin持有Boston College的组织研究博士学位和Johns Hopkins University的经济学学士学位. Since 2017, 他曾担任菲尔丁研究生大学领导研究学院人力与组织发展(HOD)项目的核心教员. 自2018年以来,他一直担任HOD项目的教师主席.

Since 2013, Austin has owned Austin Executive Development, 他在哪里设计和交付定制的高管发展项目, long-term strategy projects, and change leadership consulting for corporate, government, and nonprofit organizations.

“Dr. Austin brings an invaluable balance of experience, leadership, and expertise to the College of Arts and Sciences,” said CAS Dean Jonathan Millen, Ph.D. “他对我们商业项目的创新理念和愿景将在现有和未来的学生中产生广泛的共鸣.” 

UNE is also pleased to announce that Justine Bassett, M.S., will take over as director of the P.D. Merrill Makerspace, 一个创新的实验室,用于创造和建筑,从大学各个学科的学生那里汲取灵感.


Since then, 创客空间的使用已被纳入文理学院(CAS)和威斯布鲁克卫生专业学院(WCHP)的几门课程。. 这个空间的独特之处在于,它对所有学生开放,无论他们的学科如何, 加强新大学对跨学科和跨专业教学的承诺.

Bassett是一位企业家和商业领袖,拥有十多年的创客和艺术家经验. 她持有Wellesley College的政治学文学学士学位和Georgetown University的国际商务理学硕士学位.

She comes to UNE from the KID Museum in Bethesda, Maryland, where she serves as chief program officer. 博物馆通过科学的创新结合提供动手学习, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) principles; art; culture; and critical thinking skills. Prior to that, from 2015 to 2018, 巴塞特曾担任史密森尼国家自然历史博物馆的体验设计师, where she led the design of a new visitor experience, an experiential learning space called Q?rius.

“我相信所有的学生都可以成为各自领域的创新者,而P.D. Merrill Makerspace通过实际操作和协作实验实现了这一目标。. “我很高兴能帮助确保正规澳门赌场网络各学院的学生从这一宝贵资源中受益.”

Bassett will begin her role on Aug. 1.

Michael Sheldon, PT, Ph.D., associate provost for Academic Affairs, Bassett的招聘代表了创客空间持续发展的下一个阶段.

“我很高兴能和贾斯汀一起工作,担任P.D. Merrill Makerspace,” Sheldon said. “Her previous experience, creative and collaborative spirit, 以及出色的沟通技巧,使她能够实现提升创客空间的愿景 to为整个正规澳门赌场网络的学生提供真正的大学水平的资源.”      

Both developments are supported by the P.D. 美林慈善信托是正规澳门赌场网络的长期支持者,去年承诺捐赠1美元.300万美元用于加强大学在商业、创业和创新方面的项目.

P.D. 梅里尔是美林工业公司的主席,也是波特兰社区杰出的商业领袖. 他和父亲在波特兰建立了美林海运码头, 缅因州的道路盐和其他工业产品都是通过这里获得的. 《正规澳门赌场网络》、《正规澳门赌场网络》和《正规澳门赌场网络》的新闻纸从这里的码头运过来. 他在现在的美林礼堂的改造中发挥了重要作用, named in honor of his parents. 1998年至1999年,他担任缅因州商会和商业联盟主席,也是缅因州经济研究所的创始人之一.

他活跃于国际林产品运输协会, 以及缅因州海事学院洛布沙利文国际商业与物流学院工业顾问委员会. He joined UNE's Board of Trustees in 1984, 1995年至2000年,威斯布鲁克学院加入正规澳门赌场网络,担任校董会主席, 还参与了全州范围内的各种慈善活动.


This news was shared in the Biddeford-Saco-OOB Courier and Portland Press Herald.

P.D. Merrill
P.D. Merrill