

The UNE COM Chapter of the American Medical Women's Association supports and educates about the equity and advancement of women in medical professions. This group is open to all students interested in learning more about gender differences in terms of treatment and expectations at work, 医疗成果, 工资差距. AMWA邀请了各种各样的演讲者, 网络事件, 以及帮助世界变得更美好的筹款人, 为每个人提供更健康的环境.

国家关系: 美国女医师协会

这并不是一个女性专属的群体. AMWA有男性成员,他们在团体中非常受欢迎. 我们互相支持. We introduce medical students to female physicians in the hopes of forming an alliance/指导 and sharing experiences. As a group, we look to laugh and learn together in the promotion of osteopathy and women’s 健康.


你必须放弃你的使命去追求你的医学事业吗? The Christian Medical Dental Association provides a place for students to talk about their Christian faith, 分享经验, 听听医生和专业人士的第一手故事,帮助澄清这个问题. 这个小组致力于共同解决这个问题.

国家关系: 基督教医学和牙科协会


DOCARE advocates for patients in global environments and educates the community about global 健康. 他们还提供与热带医学等全球健康相关的讲座和培训, 传染性疾病, 跨文化意识与多样性, 以及在资源有限的环境下获得医疗服务.

国家关系: DOCARE


The 健康政策会 provides opportunities for you to educate yourself on 健康 policy issues in general, 并倡导为所有人提供更好的医疗保健系统.

国家关系: 国家健康计划医师


The 犹太医科学生协会 (JMSA) serves as a resource for Jewish medical students and other students interested in Judaism. JMSA promotes 意识 和理解 of the Jewish community at COM and the Osteopathic profession through events such as Shabbat dinners, 逾越节家宴, 还有拉特克的募捐活动.

U N E 骨科医学院 Student members of the 拉丁裔医学生协会


拉丁裔医学生协会 (LMSA) unites and empowers medical students through service, 指导, 和教育,因为它倡导拉丁裔的健康. LMSA每周举办一次课程,带领成员通过西班牙语的医学面试. 除了医学访谈内容, the leaders of the club integrate cultural education on a variety of topics such as how to best bridge social and language barriers when serving the LatinX community.

国家关系: 拉丁裔医学生协会


The 医学生骄傲联盟 (MSPA) promotes 意识 和理解 of diversity, 包容性, and the specific needs of LGBTQIA+ community members by fostering communication on LGBTQIA+ topics and working to infuse such topics into the UNE COM curriculum.


The 穆斯林学生协会 (MSA) upholds the Osteopathic principle of promoting a holistic approach to 健康 and medicine through holding cultural sensitivity workshops with fellow faith groups on campus to facilitate dialogue, 意识, 和理解. 另外, the MSA will combat the media narrative about Islam and educate those interested regarding the true teachings of our religion through interfaith discussions. The MSA will also ensure the facilities and services can adequately accommodate religious obligations, 比如在校园里有祈祷场所和提供清真食品.

国家关系: MSA国家

Medical Students for Choice

Medical Students for Choice is an advocacy and educational group dedicated to supporting tomorrow's abortion providers and pro-choice physicians. The group upholds the belief that all people deserve sexual and reproductive 健康 consistent with their own personal and cultural values and recognizes that people are the experts in their own bodies and make their own decisions regarding sexuality, 健康, 是否以及何时要孩子. It supports future physicians who believe that abortion and contraception are vital aspects of medical care that should be embraced as standard practice. 

国家关系: Medical Students for Choice


全国学生医学协会 (SNMA) supports current and future underrepresented minority medical students, 解决服务不足社区的需求, 并不断增加临床优秀的人数, 文化主管, 有社会意识的医生.

全国各地的对抗疗法和整骨疗法医学院的SNMA分会, 还有一些大学, 在当地实施我们的计划和活动. SNMA programs are designed to serve the 健康 needs of underserved communities and communities of color. 除了, SNMA is dedicated both to ensuring that medical education and services are culturally sensitive to the needs of diverse populations and to increasing the number of African-American, 拉丁美洲人, 以及其他有色人种进入医学院并完成学业的学生.

国家关系: 全国学生医学协会


学生医师社会责任协会 (SPSR) recognizes a physician’s inherent responsibility to serve others and encourages students to further their education through an exploration of disparities in 健康care, 社区卫生, 病人的支持. SPSR also recognizes the reciprocal relationship between environment and 健康 and aims to further understand how climate change, 环境不公, 文化规范, 健康的社会决定因素, 个人环境可能会影响健康. SPSR hosts discussions about how COM students might use their knowledge to further their clinical practice and promotes initiatives that might affect positive change within the local community and within 健康care at large.

国家关系: 医生社会责任协会


One of the primary tenets of osteopathic medicine is the reciprocal relationship of structure and function. 这对于作为一个单位的身体来说是正确的,对于医疗保健领域也是如此. 事件 in 2016 made it abundantly clear that racism is still ingrained within all structures of society, 包括医学专业. The White Coats for Black Lives club serves to illuminate overt systemic racism and implicit racial bias during the formative years of student-doctor education and support the COM administration in improving student diversity and diversity training. Together we can work toward eliminating racism and discrimination in the practice of medicine and achieve 健康care equity for all.

国家关系: WC4BL国家工作组