

Minor in 健康、法律和政策
文理学院 (CAS)
School of Social and Behavioral 科学s


Assistant Academic Director, School of Social and Behavioral 科学


The 健康、法律和政策 minor is designed to introduce students to the United States healthcare system, with a special emphasis on the public health sector. 作为未成年人, students are provided the opportunity to gain a greater understanding of the law that governs our healthcare system and the politics that shape those laws. 学生 completing the minor will be well-positioned for expanded roles of leadership within a health provider organization or political entity charged with creating health care policy.


学生 wishing to pursue a 健康、法律和政策 minor must have an advisor in the program and approval from the School of Social and Behavioral 科学s. Each student will work with a faculty advisor to design a minor consisting of six (6) courses that supports the student's interests, according to the following guidelines and availability.

PSC 325 – Politics of Public 健康3
One (1) Political 科学 Elective3
一(1)法律选修课s or Political 科学 Elective3
Two (2) 健康, 法律 and Policy Electives6

Program Specific Elective Options

psc106 -法律 & 美国社会3
PSC 125 – Understanding the 法律3
PSC 203 -法律政治3
PSC 210 -宪法3
PSC 101 – Introduction to American Politics3
PSC 105 – Introduction to Political 科学3
PSC 200 – Introduction to Political Theory3
PSC 220 -研究方法3
PSC 432 – Autonomy/Politics of Reproduction3
健康, 法律 and Policy Electives学分
ANT 211 -医学人类学3
BUEC 385 -卫生经济学3
ENG 310 -写作 & 妇女的健康3
HSM 370 -法律 & 保健伦理3
PHI 406 – Human Genome Project Ethics3
鸟叔235 -健康心理学3
SOC 355 -医学社会学3
SOC 460 – Social Policy and Planning3


This minor provides students additional choices and options that are career-oriented in a field that is expected to see significant growth over the next twenty (20) years.


Courses completed at another accredited college can be transferred to this degree program. Transferred courses must be reasonably close in scope and content to the required courses offered at UNE in order to count as exact equivalents. Otherwise, they may transfer as general electives. All courses completed must be no older than five (5) years. 适用其他限制.

看到 本科招生 了解更多信息.


看到 本科招生 了解更多信息.



Tuition and fees for subsequent years may vary. Other expenses include books and housing. For more information regarding tuition and fees, please consult the 财务信息 本目录部分.

Notice and Responsibilities Regarding this Catalog

This catalog outlines the academic programs, 度标准, 政策, and events of the University of New England for the 2024–2025 academic year and serves as the official guide for academic and program requirements for students enrolling at the University during the Summer of 2024, 2024年秋季, 和2025年春季学期.

The information provided is accurate as of its publication date on April 26, 2024.
The University of New England reserves the right to modify its programs, 日历, or academic schedule as deemed necessary or beneficial. This includes alterations to course content, 类重新安排, 取消, or any other academic adjustments. Changes will be communicated as promptly as possible.

While students may receive guidance from academic advisors or program directors, they remain responsible for fulfilling the requirements outlined in the catalog relevant to their enrollment year and for staying informed about any updates to 政策, 规定, 或需求.