

Bachelor of Arts with a major in 通信
College of Arts and 科学s (CAS)
School of Arts and Humanities


萨拉·戈汉姆,M.F.A., M.A.T.

Michael Cripps, Ph.D.



通信专业的文学学士的使命是提供卓越和支持性的教师,并提供相关的课程,帮助学生在不断变化的世界中茁壮成长. More specifically, the degree strives to:

  • 培养学生在他们选择的职业和社会中承担道德和社会责任
  • 培养学生认识、分析和解决问题的能力
  • 帮助学生实现他们的个人和职业目标
  • 为学生在私营或公共部门的入门级职位做好准备和/或为学生在研究生阶段的课程做好准备

Curricular Requirements

CAS Core Requirements (MAT 120 Recommended)学分
Program Required Courses学分
ART 230 – Graphic Design3
CMM 110 – Intro to 通信3
CMM 122 – Oral Communication or SPC 100 – Effective Public Speaking3
CMM 210 – Understanding Media3
CMM 300 – Documentary Video3
CMM 311 – Digital Video Production3
CMM 320 – Intercultural Communication or CMM 416 – 全球 Communication3
CMM 410 – 写作 for the Screen3
CMM 430 – Internship in Communication3
LIL 420 -艺术 & Humanities Capstone3
六(6)学分的课程选修课从列表A or B名单6
Minimum Total Required 学分120

Program-Specific Elective Options

CMM 130 – Media Literacy3
CMM 135 – Evolution of Television3
CMM 170 – Evolution of Documentary Film3
CMM 201 – Digital Media & 软件工具3
CMM 211 – Introduction to Journalism3
CMM 220 – Organizational Communication3
CMM 225 – Topics in Digital Storytelling3
CMM 240 – Social Media: Theory & 实践3
CMM 305 – Public Relations in the Digital Age3
CMM 340 – Women and Film3
CMM 350 – Video Game Studies3
CMM 411 – Communication Law & 监管3
CMM 420 – Senior Project3
WRT 233 -专业技术交流3
WRT 304 -读取 & Write in Digital Env.3
WRT 317 – Proposal and Grant 写作3
ART 105 – Elements of Acting3
ART 106 – Two-Dimensional Design3
ART 111 – Scientific Illustration3
ART 214 – Color Digital Photography3
ART 234 – Digital Animation3
BUMK 200 – Marketing3
BUMK 310 – Advertising3
ENG 110 – English Composition4
ENG 140 – Indigenous Film and Literature3
ENG 208 – Narrative Medicine & 写作3
ENV 321 – Env Comm: Expert Prac Eco3
HIS 150 – Telling Tales of the Past3
HIS 295 – Medicine and the Media3
LIL 120 – Intro Arts & 人文学科的扫描电镜3

Academic and Technical Standards

  • Communication majors must earn a minimum of a 2.0的绩点.
  • Communication minors must earn a minimum of a 2.0的绩点.


通信专业文学学士的课程目标是为我们的学生提供口头交流能力, 写, 技术和批判性思维技能是他们在专业领域和个人生活中有效运作所必需的. 该学位的学习成果涉及沟通技巧的教学和跨不同沟通环境的实践. 这里列出的学习成果是建立在每门课程所要求的核心能力基础上的.

  • 展示该领域未来专业人士所期望的口头沟通技巧.
    Indicators of achievement are as follows:
    • Effectively speak in public settings.
    • 在小组中应用先进的决策过程.
    • Negotiate and collaborate effectively.
  • 展示该领域未来专业人士所期望的书面沟通技巧.
    Indicators of achievement are as follows:
    • Write for specific purposes and situations.
    • Write informatively, persuasively and clearly.
  • 有效和道德地使用与通信领域相关的当前技术.
    Indicators of achievement are as follows:
    • Use a range of applications software effectively.
    • 在专业环境中有效和道德地使用通信技术.
    • Understand the limitations of technology.
  • 在专业环境中熟练运用数字媒体作为有效的沟通工具. Indicators of achievement are as follows:
    • 对媒体故事结构有一定的了解.
    • 使用各种工具创建有效沟通的媒体内容.
    • 通过在不同的角色中服务,并在团队中有效地工作,为媒体内容的制作做出贡献.

辅修传播学考察社会问题, 业务, 以及对最新媒体和计算机相关技术给予高度关注的沟通实践. 学生将探索传播理论,并学习如何使用包括新媒体技术在内的各种媒体渠道进行有效的沟通. 修完辅修课程后,学生将能够:

  • 展示对传播的历史和演变的理解,以及社会和机构在塑造传播中的作用.
  • 表达和应用理论和最佳实践的图像和数字信息,包括音频和视频的使用和呈现.
  • 应用通信专业中使用的工具和技术.
Program Required Courses学分
CMM 110 – Intro to 通信3
CMM 210 – Understanding Media3
Minimum Total Required 学分18

Program Specific Elective Options

Communication Theory Electives学分
CMM 130 – Media Literacy3
CMM 135 – Evolution of Television3
CMM 220 – Organizational Communication or WRT 233 -专业技术交流3
CMM 240 – Social Media: Theory & 实践3
CMM 305 – Public Relations in the Digital Age3
CMM 320 – Intercultural Communication or CMM 416 – 全球 Communication3
CMM 340 – Women and Film3
CMM 350 – Video Game Studies3
CMM 411 – Communication Law & 监管3
Communication 实践 Electives学分
BUMK 200 – Marketing3
BUMK 310 – Advertising3
CMM 122 – Oral Communication or SPC 100 – Effective Public Speaking3
CMM 201 – Digital Media & 软件工具 or ART 230 – Graphic Design3
CMM 211 – Introduction to Journalism3
CMM 225 – Topics in Digital Storytelling3
CMM 300 – Documentary Video3
CMM 311 – Digital Video Production3
CMM 410 – 写作 for the Screen3
CMM 420 – Senior Project3
CMM 430 – Internship in Communication3
LIL 420 -艺术 & Humanities Capstone3
WRT 304 -读取 & Write in Digital Env.3
WRT 317 – Proposal and Grant 写作3


我们为符合条件的学生提供荣誉毕业的选择. This includes significant scholarly, 有创意的, 或者在教师指导下的体验活动. 感兴趣的学生应该咨询他们的指导老师. 


看到 Undergraduate 招生 for more information.


看到 Undergraduate 招生 for more information.

Financial 信息rmation


Tuition and fees for subsequent years may vary. Other expenses include books and housing. 有关学费和费用的更多信息,请咨询 Financial 信息rmation section of this catalog.


This catalog outlines the academic programs, 度标准, 政策, 以及正规澳门赌场网络2024 - 2025学年的活动,并作为2024年夏季在大学入学的学生的学术和课程要求的官方指南, 2024年秋季, and Spring 2025 semesters.

正规澳门赌场网络保留修改课程的权利, 日历, 或认为必要或有益的课程表. This includes alterations to course content, class rescheduling, 取消, or any other academic adjustments. 变更将尽可能及时地进行沟通.

而学生可能会得到学术顾问或项目主任的指导, 他们仍然有责任满足与入学年度相关的目录中列出的要求,并随时了解政策的任何更新, 规定, 或需求.