Graduate Certificate in Health Policy Law and Compliance


Graduate Certificate in Health Policy Law and Compliance
UNE Online | College of Professional Studies (CPS)
Online Healthcare Administration Programs

Certificate Description


The Graduate Certificate in Health Policy, Law, 合规是一个十二(12)学分的课程,为学生提供指导医疗保健所需的技能和知识的严格和实用的介绍, and healthcare-related, organizations through the laws and policies that govern healthcare compliance.



Curricular Requirements

Degree Plan for Graduate Certificate in Health policy, law, and compliance

Program Required CoursesCredits
GPH 702 — Policy: An Interprofessional Approach3
HCA 601 — Healthcare Quality for Enhanced Value-Based Patient Outcomes3
HCA 630 — Healthcare Law and Ethics3
HIN 625 — Health Information Legislation, Compliance, Privacy and Security3
Minimum Total Required Credits12

Academic Policy

Minimum Grade Point Average

Matriculated graduate students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 (B) or better. 如果不这样做,将导致留校察看,并可能被终止该计划. 任何一门课程成绩低于B-的学生都必须重新注册并重修该课程,以达到B-或更高的成绩. 任何一门课成绩不及格的学生将被立即留校察看. 任何学生如果在两门或两门以上的课程中获得F分,将被开除.


候选人必须满足所有课程要求,并且要求获得最低累积GPA为3.0 to be eligible to graduate. 所有学生必须通过U-Online向注册办公室提交毕业申请. 请访问注册官办公室网站获取完整的说明和常见问题的答案.

Attendance Policy

通过专业研究学院学习在线研究生课程的学生,如果未在周日晚上11:59之前提交已评分的作业/讨论帖子,将因未参加而被行政取消.m. of the first week of the term. Reinstatement is at the purview of the Dean’s Office. 


Add/Drop Period

学生可以在正规澳门赌场网络学历公布的时间框架内增加或放弃课程. 在加/退期间放弃的课程不会出现在学生的正式成绩单上.

Course Withdrawal Period

学生可以在指定的退课期限结束后退课, which is approximately at the 60% point of the course's length. 每个学期和学期的退课时间在正规澳门赌场网络学历上公布.

Grade for the Course Withdrawal

A course withdrawal during the withdrawal period results in a grade of W, which will appear on a student’s official transcript. 只有学生在截止日期前向注册办公室提交了完整的退课表,才能获得W级. A W grade does not impact the term or cumulative GPA.

Consultation Before a Course Withdrawal

Before deciding to withdraw from a course, 学生必须咨询他们的项目/学术主任,并被鼓励与导师讨论情况. 

国际学生必须获得全球教育办公室的批准, as withdrawals may affect visa status.

Students are strongly urged to consult with Student Financial Services, as course withdrawals may affect financial aid or Veterans benefits. 

Course Withdrawal Process

希望退课的学生必须提交退课表, 由项目/学术主任和全球教育办公室签署(如果适用), to the Registrar’s Office before the Course Withdrawal deadline.


Late Withdrawal

只有在极端情况下,才会考虑在退课期后退课的请求. To request a late withdrawal, 学生必须咨询他们的课程/学术主任,并提交一份完整的学术请愿书,说明情有可减的情况和顾问的支持信, faculty member, 或项目/学术主任到学院院长办公室提供课程供考虑. 



Note: All deadlines, procedures, 与退课相关的政策以正规澳门赌场网络学历规定的指导方针为准.

University Withdrawal

所有希望退出大学的入学学生必须填写注册主任办公室提供的通知文件. Documentation must be signed by designated academic and administrative services.

Leave of Absence (Academic Stop Out)

Students may stop out of their program for up to two (2) semesters. 学生需要提前与指定的学生支持专家协调停学, 休学时间被认为是完成学术课程所分配时间的一部分. Application for readmission is not necessary if the student returns as planned. However, 未按规定时间归校或离校超过两学期者,将被行政处分退学,并办理重新入学手续. 重新入学的学生必须遵守重新入学学期的目录(这可能意味着自上次入学以来政策和/或课程要求已经更改或更新), and should be reviewed for potential impact on degree requirements, time to complete the degree, and degree planning). 

注意:学生有责任联系学生支持专家和学生财务服务,以表明计划的变化. Stop out time can affect financial aid eligibility and repayment.

Audit Policy

A student may, with prior consent of the Program Director or designee, enroll in a course for an audit grade (AU). 这必须在课程注册时提出要求,并且必须附有导师和项目主管或指定人员的签字批准. This applies to both matriculated and non-matriculated students. Reversal or change of an audit grade is not possible. Once enrolled for AU the grade becomes permanent on a student's academic record. 如果学生希望以后对这门课程进行评分,必须重新注册并支付已评分的学分. In auditing a course, the student is expected to complete all lectures and discussion boards, but is not permitted to submit coursework for evaluation, take examinations, receive grades, or earn credit. Auditing a course does not count toward enrollment status (i.e. part-time, full-time, etc.),因此不能考虑用于经济援助目的,退伍军人福利等.

Academic Integrity Policy

正规澳门赌场网络在教育经历的各个方面都重视学术诚信. 任何形式的学术欺诈都会破坏这一标准,贬低他人的原创贡献. It is the responsibility of all members of the University community to actively uphold the integrity of the academy; failure to act, for any reason, is not acceptable.

Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to the following:

  • 欺骗、复制或提供或接受未经授权的帮助或信息.
  • Fabrication or falsification of data, results, or sources for papers or reports.
  • Action that destroys or alters the work of another student.
  • 未经导师许可,在一(1)门以上的课程中多次提交相同的论文或报告.
  • Plagiarism, the appropriation of records, research, materials, ideas, 或他人或作家的语言,并将其作为自己的语言.

Charges of academic dishonesty will be reviewed by the Program Director. 对违规学生的处罚可能取决于违规的严重程度和情节, the degree of premeditation involved, and/or the student’s previous record of violations. Appeal of a decision may be made to the Dean whose decision will be final. 学生申诉将通过《正规澳门赌场网站》中列出的申诉程序进行.

Office for Students with Disabilities

学生访问中心致力于确保大学促进对个人差异的尊重,并且没有任何符合正规澳门赌场网络入学和继续入学所需的学术和技术标准的人因残疾而被剥夺福利或受到歧视. Toward this end, and in conjunction with federal and state laws, the University provides reasonable accommodations for qualified students.

Experiential Learning

Experiential learning is highly valued by the College of Professional Studies. Many courses within the College feature experiential learning components. However, at this time, 纯体验式学习代替课程作业的学生不会获得学分.

Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to:

  • 制定医疗保健质量改进建议,使其与管理医疗保健系统的复杂法律和法规遵从性系统保持一致.
  • Analyze significant policies that have shaped the American healthcare system.
  • 批判性地评估医疗保健利益和目标,以分析,制定和倡导.
  • 促进人权和社会、经济和环境正义的政策.

Transfer Credit

Upon acceptance, 学生可以申请将最多一(1)门课程转入应急管理研究生证书课程.

To request consideration for transfer credit, 学生必须提供正式成绩单和每门课程的课程大纲. 根据下面列出的具体课程细节,专业研究学院可酌情授予转学分. 批准转移学分的请求应提交给,并将酌情批准, the Program Director.

Transfer courses must 

  • Be classified as graduate level
  • Have been taken within five (5) years of application
  • Have been completed with a grade of B or better
  • Be worth three (3) credits
  • 相当于一(1)门必修课程或一门符合学生教育目标的选修课程


Admission Requirements

  • 地区认可机构的学士或以上学位或同等学历. See International Admissions 有关国际学位等级和学位等效性评估的详细信息.
  • Applications are reviewed holistically as a determination of academic readiness. 招生委员会重视成绩单上显示的以前的学习成绩,并将其视为审查过程的一部分.
  • Computer with an internet connection, including the hardware and software requirements described in our Technical Requirements. 还必须具备足够的计算机技能来浏览互联网,因为所有课程都是100%在线访问的.

Application Process

  • Completed online application:
  • Resume or Curriculum Vitae
  • Goal Statement / Writing Sample
  • Two (2) professional/academic references
  • 官方成绩单,反映从地区认可的机构授予学士学位或以上

注意:如果课程作业与所寻求的学位无关,则可以放弃在授予学位成绩单上作为转学分出现的任何课程作业的成绩单. The program admissions committee defines all coursework not eligible for waiver.

Procedures and Policies

  • Applications for admission are accepted through UNE’s online application only. Detailed instructions are included in the online application.
  • Official transcripts, as well as other documents to support the application, must be submitted to the College of Professional Studies, either electronically or sent to 716 Stevens Ave, Portland, ME, 04103.
  • 国际申请人和拥有国际学位的申请人必须对其成绩单进行评估,以确保其学位和年级与地区认可的美国机构的学位和年级相当. See International Admissions.
  • 所有申请正规澳门赌场网络的学生都必须能够理解并用英语交流,才能被正规澳门赌场网络录取. UNE accepts several methods of English Proficiency, see International Admissions.
  • 如果申请人不能以其他方式证明英语水平,则从英语考试中获得分数 Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) are required and must be submitted as a part of the completed application. 
  • 作为申请的一部分提交的所有材料将成为UNE的财产,不会退还或释放给任何人, including the applicant. This policy includes letters of reference, primary and secondary applications, personal statements, transcripts, and other supporting materials.

For additional information on the admissions process and requirements, please visit the Master of Healthcare Administration website.

Policy Exceptions

研究生医疗管理项目和医疗管理招生委员会与专业研究学院合作,保留对招生标准进行例外修改的权利,并对政策和程序进行修改或例外, on a case-by-case basis, when it deems such a decision is necessary and appropriate.

Financial Information


Tuition and fees for subsequent years may vary. Other expenses include books and housing. For more information regarding tuition and fees, please consult the Financial Information section of this catalog.

Notice and Responsibilities Regarding this Catalog

This catalog outlines the academic programs, degree criteria, policies, 以及正规澳门赌场网络2024 - 2025学年的活动,并作为2024年夏季在大学入学的学生的学术和课程要求的官方指南, Fall 2024, and Spring 2025 semesters.

The University of New England reserves the right to modify its programs, calendar, or academic schedule as deemed necessary or beneficial. This includes alterations to course content, class rescheduling, cancellations, or any other academic adjustments. Changes will be communicated as promptly as possible.

While students may receive guidance from academic advisors or program directors, 他们仍然有责任满足与入学年度相关的目录中列出的要求,并随时了解政策的任何更新, provisions, or requirements.